Hatching Eggs

Please read the Hatching Egg policies located on each egg type before ordering! By placing an order, you are agreeing to these policies.

If more than 2 dozen eggs are ordered ADDITIONAL SHIPPING must be added to your order.

If you have incubation questions please ask. I am more than happy to help. These eggs are test hatched constantly and fertility is high, however, once they leave my hands it is out of my control how many will hatch. Please realize that before ordering!


The minimum number of Chicks to ship is 6, with minimum of 3 per variety. The maximum number of Chicks per shipment is 20. If more than 20 are ordered, additional shipping will be required due to an additional box being needed.

Please read our Chick policies before ordering. By placing an order you are agreeing to these terms.

Collection: Supplies